Main category, Multimedia Design
Sub category, Icons
Developer, Davey Heuser and Curtis Hard
Filesize, 5939
Title, IconJar
◒ vers 1.13.2 IconJar
Quickdrag Drag &drop icons in any color, size and file type you want with Quickdrag.
// create group layer and a shape layer (subclass of CAShapeLayer) IJSVGGroupLayer * baseSVGGroup = .... IJSVGShapeLayer * shapeLayer = .... [baseSVGGroup addSublayer:shapeLayer]; // create the SVG - note the viewbox! IJSVG * svg = [[IJSVG alloc] initWithSVGLayer:baseSVGGroup viewBox:NSMakeRect(0.f, 0.f, 50.f, 50.f)]; .... do what you want
PNG - Portable Network Graphic
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2017 has been an amazing year for us. Here's to 2018, happy new year! 🍾🥂🙌 Download v2.1.4 I always tweak things in code though, because I simply prefer to work with real content. Converting icon fonts 1. IconJar Tool — 14 Days Free Trial (you’ll need €24.99 to take this as a permanent solution). Commercial vector icons and accompanying apps to manage and customize them. Food, Drink Whenever you buy a product or service for the first time it’s good to be cautious so one can make the right decision and avoid future regret but with IconJar you don’t have to worry about that. They offer a free trial that you can download in order to determine whether the software suits you and works for you or not. If you like it you can buy the full version.
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1.12.0 IconJar m643gB 1.12.2 New on MacBook Pro
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IconJar 1.16.2 LLhXWh 1.12.1 Version 10.13
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IconJar 1.15.2 xfgY 2.13.2 Recomended for Mojave
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ZVN20G VER. 1.13.4 ICONJAR 1.11.0 Language Italian
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ver 1.13.4 IconJar Z8js 3.13.2 Best! version
Updated to Mojave 3.8.1
Featured on 10.14
3PLH6-12.3.1-MAILSTEWARD.PKG 12.1.1