Graph\' Design

for Mojave installer ExifTool 11.41

0 appréciations

Main category: Utilities
Sub category: File Management
Developer: Phil Harvey
Filesize: 2970
Title: ExifTool
► 11.41 ExifTool

undef - (default) Same as 0 for reading, 2 for copying 0 - Read/copy flattened tags 1 - Read/copy structured tags 2 - Read/copy both flattened and structured tags, but flag flattened tags as 'unsafe' for copying SystemTags
where "USERNAME" is your user name. (Just cut and paste the above line as a command in your terminal window, substituting USERNAME appropriately.) Then you must open a new Terminal window for the new PATH to take effect.
ExifTool is a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files.
Writer Limitations ^
1) Tag key
Vorbis comments are stored as UTF-8, and are converted to the character set specified by the "Charset" option.

Official site:

New! version [2762 KB]

High Sierra [2702 KB]

The encoding for the JPEG Comment (COM segment) is not specified, so ExifTool reads/writes this text without conversion.
Console/TerminalProgramming Language
The guidelines for installing it on macOS can be found here. In summary:
Extract all types of preview images (ThumbnailImage, PreviewImage, JpgFromRaw, etc.) from files in directory "dir", adding the tag name to the output preview image file names.
Alternatively, information may be written to a specific group only, bypassing these priorities, by providing a group name for the tag. The "Writing Meta Information" section above gave the syntax rules for exiftool command-line arguments to do this. Any family 0 or 1 group name may be used when writing information, although not all groups are writable.
Builds composite tags from required tags. The composite tags are convenience tags which are derived from the values of other tags. This routine is called automatically by "ImageInfo" and "ExtractInfo" if the Composite option is set.
Return the total number of new values set.
Creates an output HTML file called "" from information in the specified image, then opens "" in your default browser (probably Safari).

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Registration Code DJD-vers-1.6.3-TweetShot.dmg | 4617 kb | 1.5.0
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