Main category / Home Personal
Sub category / Arts
Developer / Ursa Software
Filesize / 49152
Title / MacStitch
➢ 14.14 MacStitch
Key words Change stitches, add or remove threats and stitches with ease So, to answer the question about software for counted cross stitch and other counted techniques, I use MacStitch by Ursa Software. If you’re in the market for this type of software, you should try out the demo versions of cross stitch software out there, and then compare features and prices. Supports Get creative! As a follow-up to this post and video, I’m going to be showing you how I use the MacStitch program. There’s also WinStitch which is the PC version, but I use a Mac so that’s the version I’ll be showing you. I discovered the software through its iPad app (Cross Stitch 2 Go, which I talk about in the last video), and I really like it for the amount of functionality and flexibility it has. The main focus of the software is cross stitch, but according to the online manual you can even use it for knitting design or Tunisian crochet (as well as tent stitch and beading designs). I use it for cross stitch, unfortunately I can’t knit or crochet anymore because of my injury, I have to move my arms and shoulders too much in those crafts.
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It made my system a little too slow Demo Version/ Pattern Viewer My rating 1: Crop the picture to as close to the subject as possible.. don’t waste picture on a field or building Success! Enjoy Mojave, good-bye High Sierra. MacStitch 2014 Editor's review Stitch Painter – 5/10 MacStitch 2019 14.12 - Download
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